(901) 370 2894

Tax Preparation

Individual and Business
Tax Preparation

If you engage Herron & Associates Tax Services, LLC as your tax preparer or to assist in resolving IRS issues, we will use our years of experience to accurately and completely prepare your tax return legally and to your best advantage. Herron & Associates Tax Services, LLC can prepare and electronically transmit federal/state personal and business tax returns for all 50 states.

tax Debt Relief

Herron & Associates Tax Services, LLC, can accurately and professionally prepare individual tax returns no matter what tax return is required, i.e. Form 1040, Form 1040A, and/or Form 1040EZ, with the necessary forms required depending on individually filing status. The IRS requires all tax preparers to electronically file current tax year tax returns or receive a penalty. If the taxpayer request that his/her tax return be mailed, the tax return must include IRS Form 8948. Herron & Associates Tax Services, LLC has the ability to electronically file your tax return. Herron & Associates Tax Services, LLC can also prepare tax returns for past tax years. Many times, the IRS will owe you a refund but you will be limited in collecting those refunds if you do not filed your tax return within three (3) years from the date it was originally required to be filed. These type tax returns are required to be to the IRS. If the preparation of your tax return results in a refund, the following services are offer in order for you to receive that refund. ​

Tax Strategizing

Herron & Associates Tax Services, LLC, can accurately and professionally prepare business tax returns no matter what tax return is required, i.e. Form 940, Form 941, Form 944, Form 945, Form 1065, Form 1120, Form 1120S, Form 990 series, and State Unemployment, with the necessary forms required depending on the type of business return required for filing.